
the show

The Parable of the Sower Opera is a stirring adaptation of Octavia E. Butler's renowned 1993 novel, brought to the stage by Toshi Reagon and Bernice Johnson Reagon. It's not just music and narrative; it's a call to action, urging us to consider our own place in a rapidly changing world.

Butler's narrative plunges into a future grappling with environmental crises, economic decline, and societal unrest. Through the eyes of Lauren Olamina, a young woman with hyperempathy, we explore themes that resonate with today’s world: climate change, inequality, and the enduring human spirit. Lauren's philosophy, Earthseed, emphasizes adaptability: "God is Change".

Melding this tale with Toshi and Bernice Johnson Reagon's soulful music, the opera finds its voice. It's an invitation to reflect, set to the sounds of spirituals, anthems, and ballads.

Although written in ’93, Parable’s contemporary relevance can’t be denied. Butler’s imagined future has echoes of our present, urging us to think about community, resilience, and hope in adversity. Through Lauren's journey, we're encouraged to understand our own world better and imagine ways to navigate it.

Join us for an experience of reflection and inspiration. The Parable of the Sower Opera isn't just a performance; it's a conversation about our collective future. Be prepared to engage, to think, and to hope.

Welcome to our shared journey.

the authors



Toshi Reagon (Librettist, Composer, Music Director) is a talented and versatile singer, composer, musician, curator and producer with a profound ear for sonic Americana–from folk to funk, from blues to rock. While her expansive career has landed her at Carnegie Hall, the Paris Opera House, and Madison Square Garden, you can just as easily find Toshi turning out a music festival, intimate venue or local club. Toshi knows the power of song to focus, unite and mobilize people. If you’ve been lucky enough to be in Toshi’s presence, you know you can’t walk away from her without feeling better about yourself as a human being. She aims for nothing less.

Toshi was the recipient of a NYFA award for Music Composition, co-composed music for two Peabody award-winning films, and received The Black Lily Music and Film Festival Award for Outstanding Performance. She is a National Women’s History Month Honoree, and is the 2010 recipient of OutMusic’s Heritage Award. She was named a 2015 Art of Change Fellow by the Ford Foundation. Her many collaborators include Lizz Wright, Carl Hancock Rux, Allison Miller, Ani DiFranco, her band BIGLovely, and her mother Bernice Johnson Reagon.



Bernice Johnson Reagon (Librettist, Composer) is a scholar, singer/songleader, activist. For over half a century she has been a profound contributor to African American and American culture. Born in Southwest Georgia, her singing style and traditional repertoire is grounded in her experiences in church, school, and political activism. As a composer, she has created a narrative of her social and political activism through her songs and larger compositions. She performed as a member of the SNCC Freedom Singers during the sixties; she founded an all women a cappella ensemble, The Harambee Singers, during the Black Cultural Movement; she founded and led the internationally acclaimed “Sweet Honey In The Rock” for thirty years until retirement. Paralleling her work in music, Reagon is one of the leading authorities in African American Cultural History. She is a recipient of the Heinz Award for Arts and Humanities, a MacArthur Fellowship, and the Presidential Medal and Charles E. Frankel Prize for Contributions to the Public Understanding of Humanities.

octavia e


Often referred to as the “grand dame of science fiction,” Octavia Butler was born in Pasadena, California. She received an Associate of Arts degree in 1968 from Pasadena Community College, and also attended California State University in Los Angeles and the University of California, Los Angeles. During 1969 and 1970, she studied at the Screenwriter’s Guild Open Door Program and the Clarion Science Fiction Writers’ Workshop, where she took a class with science fiction master Harlan Ellison (who later became her mentor), which led to Butler selling her first science fiction stories.

Butler’s first story, Crossover, was published in the 1971 Clarion anthology. Patternmaster, her first novel and the first title of her five-volume Patternist series, was published in 1976, followed by Mind of My Mind in 1977. Others in the series include Survivor (1978), Wild Seed (1980), which won the James Tiptree Award, and Clay’s Ark (1984).

With the publication of Kindred in 1979, Butler was able to support herself writing full time. She won the Hugo Award in 1984 for her short story, “Speech Sounds,” and in 1985, Butler’s novelette Bloodchild won a Hugo Award, a Nebula Award, the Locus Award, and an award for best novelette from Science Fiction Chronicle.

Other books by Octavia E. Butler include the Xenogenesis trilogy: Dawn (1987), Adulthood Rites (1988), and Imago (1989), and a short story collection, Bloodchild and Other Stories (1995). Parable of the Sower (1993), the first of her Earthseed series, was a finalist for the Nebula Award as well as a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. The book’s sequel, Parable of the Talents (1998), won a Nebula Award.

In 1995 Butler was awarded the prestigious MacArthur Foundation fellowship.

show art


Created by Toshi Reagon & Bernice Johnson Reagon
Music and Lyrics by Toshi Reagon & Bernice Johnson Reagon

Directed by Signe Harriday & Eric Ting 

Art Installation
Abigail Deville 
Movement Director
 Yasmine Lee
Production Stage Manager 
Chris DeCamillis 
Assistant Stage Manager/Wardrobe
Caroline Pastore

Shanta Thake 

Millicent Johnnie
Scenic Designer
Arnulfo Maldonad
Costume Designer 
Dede M. Ayite  
Lighting Designer
Christopher Kuhl 
Lighting Director 
Devin Cameron
Audio Systems
John Kemp
Lead Engineer/Sound Coordinator
Alex Dakoglou

Mrs. Hsu-Mrs. Montoya/Emery
Current - Evie Schukman
Maria-  Christina Oliveras
Diana Oh
Tracy Dunn/Jill Gilchrist
Current - Alex Koi
Heather Christian
Jeanne Phillips
Joanne Garfield/ Allie Gilchrist
Current - Be Steadwell
Morley Kaman
Richard Moss/Bankole
Current-Toussaint Jeanlouise
Tariq Al Sabir- Richard Moss
Carl Hancock Rux- Bankole
Talent (Left)
Current - Helga Davis
Abby Dobson
Talent (Right)
Shelley Nicole 
Carla Duren
Asha Jene
Marcelle Davies Lashley
Toshi Reagon

Lauren Olamina
Current - Marie Tatti Aqueel
Shayna Small
Corazon Olamina/Natividad Douglas
Current - Afi Bijou
Karma Mayet
Rev. Olamina/Travis Douglas
Current - Jared Wayne Gladly/Neil Dawson
Jason C Walker-Rev. Olamina
Tariq Al Sabir- Travis Douglas
Keith Olamina/Grayson Mora
Current - Isaiah Stanley
Kyle Garvin
Jordan Hutchings
Avionce Hoyles
Curtiss Cook Jr.
Mrs. Simms/Ancestor
Josette Newsam
Zahra Moss
Current - Alina Carson
Afi Bijou
Tsilala Brock
Harry Balter
Current - Noah Virgile
Tomas Cruz

Produced by Wise Reagon Arts


Orchestra Music Director
Fred Cash 
String Arrangements
Juliette Jones
Bobby Burke
Matt Graff
Fred Cash
SUB- Adam Widoff
Monique Brooks- Roberts
SUB-Rebekah Durham
Zachary Brown
SUB-Malachi Brown
Chogyi Marco
SUB-Adam Widoff